Artificial Vision Through Retinal Implants
Worldwide, over 43 million people are affected by blindness, and this number is continuously rising. More than 2 million individuals suffer from age-related macular degeneration alone. Retinal implants represent an innovative technology aimed at restoring vision.
In Aachen, we have already developed a prototype called Epiret 3. Since the Argus II was taken off the market, there are currently no commercially available retinal implants. The PRIMA implant by Pixium Vision is currently undergoing clinical trials in France, and approval in the USA is expected. To date, more than 500 retinal implants have been successfully implanted worldwide.
The Graduate School 2610 – InnoRetVision, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is a program dedicated to training PhD candidates in the field of retinal implants. We collectively supervise more than 40 doctoral students from RWTH Aachen University, the University of Duisburg-Essen, and Forschungszentrum Jülich.
Scientific Questions
Currently, retinal implants offer very low resolution. The most commonly used Argus II system has only 60 electrodes, equating to a resolution of 6 × 10 pixels. This is insufficient to render even simple images, such as a “Space Invader” (88 = 11 × 8 pixels). Furthermore, nonlinear effects occur, such as the unintended activation of axons (nerve fibers) instead of somas (cell bodies) in the retina. The perceived image quality is limited by severely reduced contrast, and color perception is currently not possible.
Our research aims to overcome these challenges and significantly improve the functionality of retinal implants. This includes work on semantically relevant downsampling, minimizing nonlinear effects, and developing technologies to enhance contrast and enable color perception.
External Funding
- DFG GRK 2610, “Innovative Retinal interfaces for optimized Artificial Vision – InnoRetVision”, Project nr. 424556709
- Prof. Dr. Peter Walter, Department of Opthalmology, RWTH Aachen University Hospital