Laboratory Machine Learning


The practical course Laboratory Machine Learning takes place in the winter as well as in the summer semester. Registration via RWTHOnline is required. You can search with the title “Laboratory Machine Learning” (German: Praktikum Machine Learning) or with the course number 61.00017 in RWTHOnline. You will be informed via email on 9. April 2024, if you have been assigned a place of this lab course.

10 Sessions on Thursdays

Group Morning  09:00-12:00 or

Group Afternoon 14:00-17:00

11.04.2024 Organization (mandatory)
1 18.04.2024 Basics All at Once
2 25.04.2024 Loss and Metric
3 02.05.2024 Neural Network and Backpropagation
4 16.05.2024 CNN for Classification
5 06.06.2024 CNN for Segmentation
6 13.06.2024 Generative Adversarial Network
7 20.06.2024 Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model
8 27.06.2024 Transformer
9 04.07.2024 Anomaly Detection


For further questions, please contact
