Bücher und Buchkapitel


Stephan Helling, Johannes Brauers, Bernhard Hill and Til Aach (Eds.)
FWS08: 14. Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung 2008




Thomas Würflinger, Matthias Bergmeister, Alfred Böcking, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht and Til Aach
Image Registration for Multimodal Cell Analysis
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


Thomas Würflinger, Lars Höck, Alfred Böcking, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht and Til Aach
Accurate DNA Image Cytometry for Automated Screening Scenarios
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


Nicolaj C. Stache and Thi Porn Nguyen
Automatic Compensation of Workpiece Positioning Tolerances for Precise Laser Welding
In: Acta Polytechnica Journal of Advanced Engineering 48 (3)


Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Til Aach, Alfred Böcking and Branko Palcic
Challenges, State-of-the Art and Perspectives of Computer-Supported Cell Analysis
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


Johannes Brauers and Til Aach
Hochdynamisch und multispektral: Präzisions-Farbmessungen mit erweitertem Dynamikbereich
In: IndustrialVISION 1 (1)


Johannes Brauers, Nils Schulte and Til Aach
Multispectral Filter-Wheel Cameras: Geometric Distortion Model and Compensation Algorithms
In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17 (12)


A. Böcking, T. Aach, A. Bell, C. Henning, T. Klein, A. Metzger, N. Nitzke, Q. H. Nguyen, N. Pomjanski, A. Onofre, T. Remmerbach, T. Schneider, T. Würflinger and D. Meyer-Ebrecht
Multimodal Cell Analysis (MMCA) for Early Cancer Detection
In: Journal Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Timna E. Schneider, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Automated Detection of Immunocytochemical Marker Demonstrations for Cancer Screening
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Gerlind Herberich, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Nuclear Segmentation for Silver Stained Cytopathological Specimens
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Jens Kaftan, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Automated Detection of AgNORs by High Dynamic Range Microscopy
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


Behrens, Alexander
Creating Panoramic Images for Bladder Fluorescence Endoscopy
In: Acta Polytechnica Journal of Advanced Engineering 48 (3)


Behrens, Alexander,, Atorf, Linus,, Schwann, Robert,, Ball'e, Johannes,, Herold, Thomas,, Telle, Aulis
First Steps into Practical Engineering for Freshman Students Using MATLAB and LEGO Mindstorms Robots
In: Acta Polytechnica Journal of Advanced Engineering 48 (3)


Alexander Behrens, Til Aach
Freshman Engineers Build MATLAB Powered LEGO Robots


Til Aach, Frank Gilmer, Matthias Mühlich, Kerstin Nagel, Hanno Scharr, Ulrich Schurr, Daniel Truhn and Achim Walter
Wie Pflanzen Wurzeln schlagen: Digitale Bildanalyse macht Wurzel-Wachstum messbar
In: RWTH Themen (ISSN: 0179-079X) 1




Windoffer,R, Kölsch,A, Wöll,S, Wärflinger,T, Aach,T and Leube,RE
In Vivo Imaging and Quantification of the Continuous Keratin Filament Network Turnover
In: Proceedings of the 14th European Microscopy Congress


R. Keller, J. Nolde, H. Esnaashari, T. Laubert, T. Stehle and H.-P. Bruch
Visuelle Faszienerkennung in der Laparoskopie
In: Herbstkongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft f\"ur Viszeralchirurgie


Thomas Stehle, Alexander Behrens, Til Aach
Enhancement of Visual Contrast in Fluorescence Endoscopy
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo


Thomas Stehle, Daniel Truhn and Til Aach
Camera Calibration for Endoscopical Fish-Eye Lenses for 3D Reconstruction
In: Liege Image Days, International Conference on Medical Imaging


Thomas Stehle, Alexander Behrens, Til Aach
Visual Enhancement of Fascial Tissue in Endoscopy
In: Medical Imaging 2008: Visualization, Image Guided Procedures, and Modeling


Nicolaj C. Stache, Jonas Dieckelmann, Robert Firnich, Jens Gedicke, Peter Abels, Alexander Olowinsky, Til Aach
High Speed Video-Based Melt Pool Surveillance in Laser Spot Welding
In: International Congress on the Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO)


Nicolaj C. Stache and Thi Porn Nguyen
Precise Laser Welding by Automatic Adaptation to the Work Piece Positioning Error
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER 2008


Tobias Schuchert, Hanno Scharr and Til Aach
Range Flow for Varying Illumination
In: 10th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)


T.W. Remmerbach, D. Meyer-Ebrecht, A.A. Bell, N. Nietzke, B. Frerich and A. Böcking
Towards a multi modal cell analysis of brush biopsies for detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma
In: Abstracts of the 9th Biennial Congress of the European Association of Oral Medicine


Matthias Mählich, Daniel Truhn, Kerstin Nagel, Achim Walter, Hanno Scharr and Til Aach
Measuring Plant Root Growth
In: Pattern Recognition


F. Maier, A. Wimmer, G. Soza, J.N. Kaftan, D. Fritz and R. Dillmann
Automatic Liver Segmentation using the Random Walker Algorithm
In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2008


Jirawit Lerdsinmongkol, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Somchart Roongruangsorakarn, Thomas Kraus and Til Aach
An Optimal Application of 3D Morphological Operations in the Framework of a Computer-Assisted Diagnosis System
In: The 12th National Computer Science and Engineering Conference (NCSEC 2008)


Jirawit Lerdsinmongkol, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Somchart Roongruangsorakarn, Thomas Kraus and Til Aach
Efficient Application of 3D Morphological Operations in the Framework of a Computer-Assisted Diagnosis System
In: Signal Processing, 2008. The 9th IEEE International Conference on


Jirawit Lerdsinmongkol, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Somchart Roongruangsorakarn, Thomas Kraus and Til Aach
Application of 3D Morphological Operations in the Framework of a Computer-Assisted Diagnosis System to Construct Thorax Mask and Remove Trachea
In: The 3rd International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBME 2008)


Kölsch,A, Wärflinger,T, Aach,T, Leube,RE and Windoffer,R
A Dynamic Model of Intermediate Filament Turnover
In: Proceedings of the FEBS Workshop 'Mechanics and Dynamics of the Cytoskeleton' of the European Cytoskeleton Forum (ECF)


Jens N. Kaftan, Attila P. Kiraly, Marius Erdt, Michael Sühling and Til Aach
Fuzzy Pulmonary Vessel Segmentation Using Optimized Vessel Enhancement Filtering
In: MICCAI 1st International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis


Jens N. Kaftan, Marco Das and Til Aach
Evaluation of Probability Functions used for Fuzzy Pulmonary Vessel Segmentation in CTA Data
In: Liege Image Days, International Conference on Medical Imaging


Jens N. Kaftan, Annemarie Bakai, Marco Das and Til Aach
Locally Adaptive Fuzzy Pulmonary Vessel Segmentation in Contrast Enhanced CT Data
In: Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI)


Jens N. Kaftan, Annemarie Bakai, Florian Maier and Til Aach
Halbautomatische Segmentierung von Pulmonalgefässen in CT Daten als Referenz zur Validierung automatischer Verfahren
In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2008


Jens N. Kaftan, Atilla P. Kiraly, Annemarie Bakai, Marco Das, Carol L. Novak and Til Aach
Fuzzy Pulmonary Vessel Segmentation in Contrast Enhanced CT data
In: Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI)


Jens N. Kaftan, André A. Bell and Til Aach
Mean Shift Segmentation - Evaluation of Optimization Techniques
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2008


Sebastian Gross, Thomas Stehle, Alexander Behrens, Til Aach
Highly Configurable Real Time Processing Solution for Medical Image Data
In: Liege Image Days


Gross, Sebastian and Stehle, Thomas
RealTimeFrame - A Real Time Processing Framework for Medical Video Sequences
In: Proceedings of the International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER


Katharina Greiner, Jan Egger, Stefan Grosskopf, Jens N. Kaftan, Ralf Dörner and Bernd Freisleben
Segmentierung von Aortenaneurysmen in CTA-Bildern mit dem statistischen Verfahren der Active Appearance Models
In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2008


Garbe, C. S., Krajsek, K., Pavlov, P., Andres, B., Mühlich, M., Stuke, I., Mota, C., Böhme, M., Haker, M., Schuchert, T., Scharr, H., Aach, T., Barth, E., Mester, R. and Jühne, B.
Nonlinear analysis of multi-dimensional signals: local adaptive estimation of complex motion and orientation patterns
In: Understanding Complex Systems


Jerome Durant, Irina Wächter, Roel Hermans, Jürgen Weese and Til Aach
Towards Quantitative Virtual Angiography: Evaluation with In Vitro Studies
In: Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)


Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Benjamin Bross, Achim Knepper, Thomas Kraus and Til Aach
Detection and Follow-Up Assessment of Pleural Thickenings from 3D CT Data
In: Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 2008 5th IEEE International Conference on


Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Achim Knepper, Thomas Kraus and Til Aach
Software System for the Computer-Assisted Diagnosis or Early Stage Pleural Mesothelioma
In: Liège Image Days 2008: Medical Imaging


Johannes Brauers, Stephan Helling and Til Aach
Multispektralaufnahmen mit Blitzlichtquellen
In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen farbwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft e.V. (DFWG)


Johannes Brauers, Nils Schulte, Andre Bell and Til Aach
Color Accuracy and Noise Analysis in Multispectral HDR Imaging
In: 14.\ Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung 2008


Johannes Brauers and Til Aach
Longitudinal Aberrations Caused by Optical Filters and Their Compensation in Multispectral Imaging
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2008)


Johannes Brauers, Stephan Helling and Til Aach
Multispectral Imaging with Flash Light Sources
In: IS&T's Forth European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging and Vision


Johannes Brauers and Til Aach
Modeling and Compensation of Ghosting in Multispectral Filter Wheel Cameras
In: IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation


Johannes Brauers, Nils Schulte, André Alexander Bell, Til Aach
Multispectral High Dynamic Range Imaging
In: IS\&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging


André A. Bell, Claude Seiler, Jens N. Kaftan and Til Aach
Noise in High Dynamic Range Imaging
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2008)


André Bell, Gerlind Herberich, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Analysis of Silver Stained Cell Specimens: Nuclear Segmentation and Validation
In: Liege Image Days, International Conference on Medical Imaging


Alexander Behrens, Linus Atorf, Robert Schwann, Johannes Ballé, Thomas Herold, Aulis Telle
Practicing Engineering in a First-Year Student Project: MATLAB meets LEGO Mindstorms


Alexander Behrens
An Image Mosaicing Algorithm for Bladder Fluorescence Endoscopy
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER 2008


Eduard Angelats Company, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Achim Knepper, Thomas Kraus and Til Aach
An Approach to Segment Lung Pleura from CT Data with High Precision
In: SPIE Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing