Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet für Physik der molekularen Bildgebungssysteme, RWTH Aachen
Apr 2019 – Sep 2020
M.Sc. Physik, RWTH Aachen
Okt 2018 – Sep 2019
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet für Physik der molekularen Bildgebungssysteme, RWTH Aachen
Okt 2015 – Mär 2019
B.Sc. Physik, RWTH Aachen
Magnetpartikelbildgung (MPI)
Wang, Qibin, Yang, Kaixiong, Hou, Lingwen, Yan, Haohao, Zeng, Yu, Wang, Yihan, Schrank, Franziska, Radermacher, Harald, Schulz, Volkmar and Zhu, Shouping Enhancing the Sensitivity and Detection Depth of a Single-Sided Magnetic Particle Spectrometer Using Ferrite Cores In: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Wang, Qibin, Zhang, Zhonghao, Li, Lei, Schrank, Franziska, Zeng, Yu, Guo, Pengyue, Radermacher, Harald, Schulz, Volkmar and Zhu, Shouping Single-sided Magnetic Particle Imaging Device with Offset Field based Spatial Encoding In: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Yanchen Li, Rui Zhang, Roman Barmin, Elena Rama, Max Schoenen, Franziska Schrank, Volkmar Schulz, Ioana Slabu, Fabian Kiessling, Twan Lammers, Roger M Pallares Improving MPI and hyperthermia performance of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles through fractional factorial design of experiments In: Nanoscale Advances 6 (17)
Dennis Pantke, Florian Mueller, Sebastian Reinartz, Jonas Philipps, Seyed Mohammadali Dadfar, Maximilian Peters, Jochen Franke, Franziska Schrank, Fabian Kiessling, Volkmar Schulz Frequency-selective signal enhancement by a passive dual coil resonator for magnetic particle imaging In: Physics in Medicine & Biology 67 (11)
Laiyin Yin, Franziska Schrank, Nicolas Gross-Weege, David Schug, Volkmar Schulz RF shielding materials for highly-integrated PET/MRI systems In: Physics in Medicine & Biology 66 (9)
B. Theek, T. Nolte, D. Pantke, F. Schrank, F. Gremse, V. Schulz & F. Kiessling Emerging methods in radiology In: Radiologe 60 (Suppl 1)
Qibin Wang, Zhonghao Zhang, Lei Li, Franziska Schrank, Harald Radermacher, Volkmar Schulz, Shouping Zhu Simulation of a single-sided MPI handheld device with offset magnetic field for spatial encoding In: IJMPI 10 (1 Suppl 1)
F. Schrank, V. Schulz Deep transfer learning for faster reconstruction in 2D magnetic particle imaging In: Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik 68 (s1)
Pauline Kreft, Franziska Schrank, Dennis Pantke, Volkmar Schulz Sample preparations for reproducible measurements in MPS and MPI In: IJMPI 9 (1 Suppl 1)
Sebastian Solibida, Dennis Pantke-Stratmann, Franziska Schrank, Volkmar Schulz A refined debye model for the dynamic magnetization response of superparamagnetic nanoparticles In: IJMPI 9 (1 Suppl 1)
Harald Radermacher, Franziska Schrank, Dennis Pantke, Florian Mueller, Maximilian Peters, Volkmar Schulz Highly flexible gradiometer coil arrangement offering improved passive compensation for multi-frequency MPI In: IJMPI 9 (1 Suppl 1)
Franziska Schrank, Volkmar Schulz Multi-purpose deep learning framework for MPI based on contrastive learning In: IJMPI 9 (1 Suppl 1)
Franziska Schrank, Dennis Pantke, Volkmar Schulz Deep learning MPI super-resolution by implicit representation of the system matrix In: IJMPI 8 (1 Suppl 1)
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