
Michael Gadermayr


 +49 241 80 27860

Kontaktdaten Salzburg:
Telefon: +43 50 2211-1341
Webseite: https://its.fh-salzburg.ac.at/ueber-uns/lehrende/detail/gadermayr/

Curriculum Vitae

Okt 2015 – Sep 2018
PostDoc, Lehrstuhl für Bildverarbeitung, RWTH Aachen
Juni 2012 – Sep 2015 Doktoratsstudium der Informatik (Dr.techn.), Universität Salzburg
Okt 2010 –  Mai 2012 Studium der Informatik (Dipl.-Ing.), Universität Salzburg
Okt 2007 – Sep 2010 Studium der Informatik (B.Eng.), Universität Salzburg



Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Claudia Seikrit, Nina Fan, Nassim Bouteldja, Philipp Gräbel, Michael Gadermayr, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof
Large-scale extraction of interpretable features provides new insights into kidney histopathology – a proof-of-concept study
In: Journal of Pathology Informatics


Michael Gadermayr, Lotte Heckmann, Kexin Li, Friederike Bähr, Madlaine Müller, Daniel Truhn, Dorit Merhof and Burkhard Gess
Image-to-Image Translation for Simplified MRI Muscle Segmentation
In: Frontiers in Radiology


Michael Gadermayr, Kexin Li, Madlaine Müller, Daniel Truhn, Nils Krämer, Dorit Merhof and Burkhard Gess
Domain-specific data augmentation for segmenting MR images of fatty infiltrated human thighs with neural networks
In: Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 49 (6)


Georg Wimmer, Michael Gadermayr, Gernot Wolkersdörfer, Roland Kwitt, Toru Tamaki, Jens Tischendorf, Michael Häfner, Shigeto Yoshida, Shinji Tanaka, Dorit Merhof, Andreas Uhl
Quest for the best endoscopic imaging modality for computer-assisted colonic polyp staging
In: World Journal of Gastroenterology


Michael Gadermayr, Laxmi Gupta, Vitus Appel, Peter Boor, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer and Dorit Merhof
Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Independent Supervised & Unsupervised Segmentation: A Study on Kidney Histology
In: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging


Michael Gadermayr, Ann-Kathrin Dombrowski, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof
CNN Cascades for Segmenting Sparse Objects in Gigapixel Whole Slide Images
In: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 71


Georg Wimmer, Michael Gadermayr, Roland Kwitt, Michael Häfner, Toru Tamaki, Shigeto Yoshida Shinji Tanaka, Dorit Merhof, Andreas Uhl
Training of Polyp Staging Systems using Mixed Imaging Modalities
In: Computers in Biology and Medicine


Michael Gadermayr, Georg Wimmer, Hubert Kogler, Andreas Vécsei, Dorit Merhof and Andreas Uhl
Automated Classification of Celiac Disease During Upper Endoscopy: Status Quo and Quo Vadis
In: Computers in Biology and Medicine


Michael Gadermayr, Constantin Disch, Madlaine Müller, Dorit Merhof and Burkhard Gess
A Comprehensive Study on Automated Muscle Segmentation for Assessing Fat Infiltration in Neuromuscular Diseases
In: Magnetic Reconance Imaging (MRI) 48


Michael Gadermayr, Dennis Eschweiler, Abiramjee Jeevanesan, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof
Segmenting Renal Whole Slide Images Virtually Without Training Data
In: Computers in Biology and Medicine 90


Michael Gadermayr, Dorit Merhof, Andreas Vécsei and Andreas Uhl
Degradation Adaptive Texture Classification for Real-World Application Scenarios
In: Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 27 (1)


Michael Gadermayr, Hubert Kogler, Maximilian Karla, Dorit Merhof, Andreas Uhl and Andreas Vécsei
Computer-aided texture analysis combined with experts’ knowledge: Improving endoscopic celiac disease diagnosis
In: World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG) 22 (31)


Michael Gadermayr and Andreas Uhl
Making Texture Descriptors Invariant to Blur
In: EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2016 (1)

2013 Michael Gadermayr, Michael Liedlgruber, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Evaluation of di erent distortion correction methods and interpolation techniques for an automated classi cation of celiac disease
In: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 112(3):694-712
2013 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Maier, and Andreas Uhl
Active contours methods with respect to vickers indentations
In: Machine Vision and Applications, 24(6):1183-1196
2012 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Maier, and Andreas Uhl
Robust algorithm for automated microindentation measurement in Vickers hardness testing
In: Journal of Electronic Imaging, 21:021109



Michael Gadermayr, Maximilian Tschuchnig, Laxmi Gupta, Nils Krämer, Daniel Truhn, Dorit Merhof and Burkhard Gess
An asymmetric cycle-consistency loss for dealing with many-to-one mappings in image translation: a study on thigh MR scans
In: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)


Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor, Dorit Merhof and Michael Gadermayr
GAN-Based Image Enrichment in Digital Pathology Boosts Segmentation Accuracy
In: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)


Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor, Dorit Merhof and Michael Gadermayr
Iterative learning to make the most of unlabeled and quickly obtained labeled data in histology
In: 2nd International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)


Michael Gadermayr, Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof
Unsupervisedly Training GANs for Segmenting Digital Pathology with Automatically Generated Annotations
In: 2nd International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)


Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor, Dorit Merhof and Michael Gadermayr
Stain Independent Segmentation of Whole Slide Images: A Case Study in Renal Histology
In: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)


Michael Gadermayr, Vitus Appel, Barbara M. Klinkhammer, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof
Which Way Round? A Study on the Performance of Stain-Translation for Segmenting Arbitrarily Dyed Histological Images
In: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)


Michael Gadermayr, Dennis Eschweiler, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof
Gradual Domain Adaptation for Segmenting Whole Slide Images Showing Pathological Variability
In: International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP)


Michael Gadermayr, Sean Steven Cooper, Barbara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof
A Quantitative Assessment of Image Normalization for Classifying Histopathological Tissue of the Kidney
In: German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR)


Michael Gadermayr, Georg Wimmer, Andreas Uhl, Hubert Kogler, Andreas Vécsei and Dorit Merhof
Fully-Automated CNN-based Computer Aided Celiac Disease Diagnosis
In: International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP)


Georg Wimmer, Michael Gadermayr, Roland Kwitt, Michael Hüfner, Dorit Merhof, Andreas Uhl
Evaluation of i-Scan Virtual Chromoendoscopy and Traditional Chromoendoscopy for the Automated Diagnosis of Colonic Polyps
In: MICCAI Workshop on Computer-Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy (CARE)


Michael Gadermayr, Hubert Kogler, Maximilian Karla, Andreas Vécsei, Andreas Uhl and Dorit Merhof
Incorporating Human Knowledge in Automated Celiac Disease Diagnosis
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA)


Michael Gadermayr, Barbara M. Klinkhammer, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof
Do we Need Large Annotated Training Data for Detection Applications in Biomedical Image Data? A Case Study in Renal Glomeruli Detection
In: MICCAI Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI)


Michael Gadermayr, Martin Strauch, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Sonja Djudjaj, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof
Domain Adaptive Classification for Compensating Variability in Histopathological Whole Slide Images
In: International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR)


Michael Gadermayr, Sebastian Hegenbart, Roland Kwitt, Andreas Uhl, Andreas Vécsei
Narrow Band Imaging Versus White-Light: What is best for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Celiac Disease?
In: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)


Dennis Eschweiler, Michael Gadermayr, Jakob Unger, Markus Nippold, Björn Falkenburger and Dorit Merhof
A Feasibility Study on Automated Protein Aggregate Characterization Utilizing a Hybrid Classification Model
In: 6th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM)

2015 Michael Gadermayr and Andreas Uhl
How to exploit large image data in the fields of texture classi cation
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’15)
2015 Michael Gadermayr, Hubert Kogler, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Comparing endoscopic imaging con gurations in computer-aided celiac disease diagnosis
In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications 2015 (IPTA’15)
2015 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Dealing with intraclass and intra-image variations in automatic celiac disease diagnosis
In: Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung fur die Medizin 2015 (BVM’15)
2015 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Boosting smalldata performance of lbp: A case study in celiac disease diagnosis
In: Proceedings of the 19th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA’15), volume 9127 of Springer LNCS
2014 Michael Gadermayr, Michael Liedlgruber, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Shape curvature histogram: A shape feature for celiac disease diagnosis
In: Medical Computer Vision. Large Data in Medical Imaging (Proceedings of the 3rd International MICCAI – MCV Workshop 2013), volume 8331 of Springer LNCS
2014 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Feature extraction with intrinsic distortion correction in celiac disease imagery: No need for rasterization
In: Medical Computer Vision. Large Data in Medical Imaging (Proceedings of the 3rd International MICCAI – MCV Workshop 2013), volume 8331 of Springer LNCS
2014 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
The ef ect of endoscopic lens distortion correction on physicians’ diagnosis performance
In: Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung fur die Medizin 2014 (BVM’14), Springer Informatik aktuell
2014 Michael Gadermayr, Sebastian Hegenbart, and Andreas Uhl
Scale-adaptive texture classi cation
In: Proceedings of 22nd IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’14)
2014 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Is a precise distortion estimation needed for computer aided celiac disease diagnosis?
In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP’14), volume 8509 of Springer LNCS
2014 Michael Gadermayr and Andreas Uhl
Degradation adaptive texture classication
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2014 (ICIP’14)
2014 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Getting one step closer to fully automatized celiac disease diagnosis
In: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications 2014 (IPTA’14)
2014 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Degradation adaptive texture classi cation: A case study in celiac disease diagnosis brings new insight
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR’14), volume 8815 of Springer LNCS
2014 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Quality based information fusion in fully automatized celiac disease diagnosis
In: Proceedings of the German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR’14), volume 8753 of Springer LNCS
2013 Michael Gadermayr, Michael Liedlgruber, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Problems in distortion corrected texture classi cation and the impact of scale and interpolation
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP’13), volume 8156 of Springer LNCS
2013 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Distortion adaptive image classi cation – an alternative to barrel-type distortion correction
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’13), volume 8034 of Springer LNCS
2013 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Uhl, and Andreas Vecsei
Barrel-type distortion compensated fourier feature extraction
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’13), volume 8033 of Springer LNCS
2012 Michael Gadermayr and Andreas Uhl
Dual-resolution active contours segmentation of Vickers indentation images with shape prior initialisation
In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP’12), volume 7340 of Springer LNCS
2012 Michael Gadermayr and Andreas Uhl
Image segmentation of Vickers indentations using shape from focus
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR’12), volume 7324 of Springer LNCS
2012 Michael Gadermayr, Andreas Maier, and Andreas Uhl
The impact of unfocused Vickers indentation images on the segmentation performance
In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’12), volume 7432 of Springer LNCS