IT Infrastructure

The Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision has a state-of-the-art computer infrastructure with which the highly complex research tasks can be implemented. The scientific staff and students are provided with powerful workstations and a lot of storage capacity. They are looked after by a dedicated IT team, which deals with day-to-day business, support requests and the planning of projects. Within this team, trainees undergo their three-year vocational training to become IT specialists.



At our institute, we operate a high-performance computing cluster based on HTCondor. Thus, we provide the scientific staff and students with a very powerful infrastructure that allows the solution of complex problems by means of “Machine Learning”. In addition to various dedicated cluster nodes, all desktop computers of the chair compute while idle and thus provide a high number of RAM, CPU and GPU resources.


If you are interested in an apprenticeship, take a look at the RWTH Vocational Training pages. For further questions, also about the IT infrastructure, contact Daniel Brückner.