Thomas Würflinger, Ivonne Gamper, Antonio Sechi and Til Aach Automated Segmentation and Tracking for Large-Scale Analysis of Focal Adhesion Dynamics In: Journal of Microscopy 241 (1)
T.W. Remmerbach, D. Meyer-Ebrecht, T. Aach, T. Würflinger, A.A. Bell, T.E. Schneider, N. Nietzke, B. Frerich and A. Böcking Towards a Multi Modal Cell Analysis of Brush Biopsies for Early Detection of Oral Cancer In: Cancer Cytopathology 117 (3)
Thomas Würflinger, Matthias Bergmeister, Alfred Böcking, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht and Til Aach Image Registration for Multimodal Cell Analysis In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)
Thomas Würflinger, Lars Höck, Alfred Böcking, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht and Til Aach Accurate DNA Image Cytometry for Automated Screening Scenarios In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)
A. Böcking, T. Aach, A. Bell, C. Henning, T. Klein, A. Metzger, N. Nitzke, Q. H. Nguyen, N. Pomjanski, A. Onofre, T. Remmerbach, T. Schneider, T. Würflinger and D. Meyer-Ebrecht Multimodal Cell Analysis (MMCA) for Early Cancer Detection In: Journal Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)
André Bell, Thomas Würflinger, Sven-O. Ropers, Alfred Böcking, Til Aach and Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht Towards Fully Automatic Acquisition of Multimodal Cytopathological Microscopy Images with Autofocus and Scene Matching In: Methods of Information in Medicine 46 (3)
Til Aach, André Bell, Alfred Böcking, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Timna Schneider and Thomas Würflinger Digitale Bildanalyse ermöglicht neue Methoden der Krebsdiagnostik In: RWTH Themen (ISSN: 0179-079X) 2
Thomas Würflinger, Jens Stockhausen, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht and Alfred Böcking Robust Automatic Coregistration,Segmentation, and Classification of Cell Nuclei in Multimodal Cytopathological Microscopic Images In: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 28
Conference Publications
Thomas Würflinger, Antonio S. Sechi and Til Aach Segmentation, Tracking, and Analysis of Focal Adhesion Dynamics in Cellular Microscopy Imaging In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2009)
Thomas Würflinger, Alexandre Onofre, Alfred Böcking, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Til Aach DNA Image Cytometry: A Key Component for Cancer Diagnoses by Multimodal Cell Analysis In: Biomedical Engineering (BMT 2005)
Sven-Olaf Ropers, Thomas Würflinger, André Alexander Bell, Alfred Böcking und Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht Automatische mikroskopische Relokalisation von Zellkern-Ensembles mit Hilfe eines multimodalen Szenenvergleiches In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005
Meyer-Ebrecht, Dietrich, Böcking, Alfred, Bell, Andre, Klein, Thorsten, Schneider, Timna, Stockhausen, Jens and Würflinger, Thomas Multimodal Cell Analysis (MMCA): A new method for highly accurate and early non-invasive cancer diagnoses In: Biomedical Engineering (BMT 2004)
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