Research Scientist, Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Mar 2015 – Jun 2017
M.Sc. Biomedizinische Technik, FH Aachen- University of Applied Sciences, Jülich
Feb 2012 – Aug 2012
MATLAB Expert bei CETPA Infotech Pvt. Ltd., Indien
Aug 2007 – Jul 2011
B.Tech Biomedical Engineering, West Bengal University of Technology, Indien
Journal Publications
Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Claudia Seikrit, Nina Fan, Nassim Bouteldja, Philipp Gräbel, Michael Gadermayr, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof Large-scale extraction of interpretable features provides new insights into kidney histopathology – a proof-of-concept study In: Journal of Pathology Informatics
Michael Gadermayr, Laxmi Gupta, Vitus Appel, Peter Boor, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer and Dorit Merhof Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Independent Supervised & Unsupervised Segmentation: A Study on Kidney Histology In: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Conference Publications
Michael Gadermayr, Maximilian Tschuchnig, Laxmi Gupta, Nils Krämer, Daniel Truhn, Dorit Merhof and Burkhard Gess An asymmetric cycle-consistency loss for dealing with many-to-one mappings in image translation: a study on thigh MR scans In: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)
Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor, Dorit Merhof and Michael Gadermayr GAN-Based Image Enrichment in Digital Pathology Boosts Segmentation Accuracy In: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)
Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor, Dorit Merhof and Michael Gadermayr Iterative learning to make the most of unlabeled and quickly obtained labeled data in histology In: 2nd International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)
Michael Gadermayr, Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor and Dorit Merhof Unsupervisedly Training GANs for Segmenting Digital Pathology with Automatically Generated Annotations In: 2nd International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)
Laxmi Gupta, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Peter Boor, Dorit Merhof and Michael Gadermayr Stain Independent Segmentation of Whole Slide Images: A Case Study in Renal Histology In: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)
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