
André Bell

Research Scientist
Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision
RWTH Aachen
Sommerfeldstrasse 24
52074 Aachen
Room: 24C-212
Tel: +49 (241) 80 – 27860
Fax: +49 (241) 80 – 22200
Email:  lfb@lfb.rwth-aachen.de

Journal Publications


T.W. Remmerbach, D. Meyer-Ebrecht, T. Aach, T. Würflinger, A.A. Bell, T.E. Schneider, N. Nietzke, B. Frerich and A. Böcking
Towards a Multi Modal Cell Analysis of Brush Biopsies for Early Detection of Oral Cancer
In: Cancer Cytopathology 117 (3)


André A. Bell, Johannes Brauers, Jens N. Kaftan, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
High Dynamic Range Microscopy for Cytopathological Cancer Diagnosis
In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (Special Issue on: Digital Image Processing Techniques for Oncology) 3 (1)


A. Böcking, T. Aach, A. Bell, C. Henning, T. Klein, A. Metzger, N. Nitzke, Q. H. Nguyen, N. Pomjanski, A. Onofre, T. Remmerbach, T. Schneider, T. Würflinger and D. Meyer-Ebrecht
Multimodal Cell Analysis (MMCA) for Early Cancer Detection
In: Journal Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Timna E. Schneider, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Automated Detection of Immunocytochemical Marker Demonstrations for Cancer Screening
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Gerlind Herberich, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Nuclear Segmentation for Silver Stained Cytopathological Specimens
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Jens Kaftan, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Automated Detection of AgNORs by High Dynamic Range Microscopy
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Thomas Würflinger, Sven-O. Ropers, Alfred Böcking, Til Aach and Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht
Towards Fully Automatic Acquisition of Multimodal Cytopathological Microscopy Images with Autofocus and Scene Matching
In: Methods of Information in Medicine 46 (3)


Til Aach, André Bell, Alfred Böcking, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Timna Schneider and Thomas Würflinger
Digitale Bildanalyse ermöglicht neue Methoden der Krebsdiagnostik
In: RWTH Themen (ISSN: 0179-079X) 2

Conference Publications


David Friedrich, Matthias Brozio, Andre Bell, Stefan Biesterfeld, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Nucleus fingerprinting for the unique identification of Feulgen-stained nuclei
In: SPIE Medical Imaging 2012: Computer-Aided Diagnosis


David Friedrich, Joschka zur Jacobsmühlen, Till Braunschweig, André Bell, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Ruth Knüchel-Clarke and Til Aach
Detection of immunocytological markers in photomicroscopic images
In: SPIE Medical Imaging 2012: Computer-Aided Diagnosis


David Friedrich, André Bell, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Till Braunschweig, Ruth Knüchel-Clarke and Til Aach
High Dynamic Range Microscopy for Color Selective Virtual De-Staining of Immunocytological Specimens
In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2011


André Bell, David Friedrich, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Till Braunschweig, Ruth Knüchel-Clarke and Til Aach
Fast Virtual Destaining of Immunocytological Specimens
In: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2011


Jens N. Kaftan, André A. Bell and Til Aach
Denoising the High Dynamic Range Imaging Process: A Comparative Study Using SNR and Detail Loss Criteria
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2010)


David Friedrich, Johannes Brauers, André Bell and Til Aach
Towards Fully Automated Precise Measurement of Camera Transfer Functions
In: Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) 2010


Jens N. Kaftan, André A. Bell, Claude Seiler and Til Aach
Wavelet Based Denoising by Correlation Analysis for High Dynamic Range Imaging
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2009)


Stefan Bisplinghoff and André A. Bell
A Calibrationless Deconvolution Approach to Reconstruct Defocused Microscopy Images
In: First IEEE Germany Student Conference 2009


T.W. Remmerbach, D. Meyer-Ebrecht, A.A. Bell, N. Nietzke, B. Frerich and A. Böcking
Towards a multi modal cell analysis of brush biopsies for detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma
In: Abstracts of the 9th Biennial Congress of the European Association of Oral Medicine


Jens N. Kaftan, André A. Bell and Til Aach
Mean Shift Segmentation - Evaluation of Optimization Techniques
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2008


Johannes Brauers, Nils Schulte, Andre Bell and Til Aach
Color Accuracy and Noise Analysis in Multispectral HDR Imaging
In: 14.\ Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung 2008


Johannes Brauers, Nils Schulte, André Alexander Bell, Til Aach
Multispectral High Dynamic Range Imaging
In: IS\&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging


André A. Bell, Claude Seiler, Jens N. Kaftan and Til Aach
Noise in High Dynamic Range Imaging
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2008)


André Bell, Gerlind Herberich, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Analysis of Silver Stained Cell Specimens: Nuclear Segmentation and Validation
In: Liege Image Days, International Conference on Medical Imaging


Timna Schneider, André Bell, Gerlind Herberich, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Chromatinmuster-basierte Zellklassifizierung für die DNS-Bildzytometrie an Mundschleimhaut-Abstrichen
In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2007


Timna Schneider, André Bell, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Computer Aided Cytological Cancer Diagnosis: Cell Type Classification as a Step Towards Fully Automatic Cancer Diagnosis on Cytopathological Specimens of Serous Effusions
In: Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-Aided Diagnosis


André A. Bell, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
HDR-Microscopy of Cell Specimens: Imaging and Image Analysis
In: 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers


André A. Bell, Gerlind Herberich, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Segmentation and Detection of Nuclei in Silver Stained Cell Specimens for Early Cancer Diagnosis
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2007


André Bell, Timna Schneider, Dirk Müller-Frank, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Fully Automatic Screening of Immunocytochemically Stained Cytopathological Specimens for Early Cancer Detection
In: Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-Aided Diagnosis


Jens N. Kaftan, Andrè A. Bell, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Segmentation of Nucleolar Organizer Regions by Means of High Dynamic Range Cell Imaging and Analysis
In: 11th Workshop Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2006


André A. Bell, Jens N. Kaftan, Timna E. Schneider, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Imaging and Image Processing for Early Cancer Diagnosis on Cytopathological Microscopy Images: Towards Fully Automatic AgNOR Detection
In: 9th Korea-Germay Joint Workshop on Advanced Medical Image Processing


André A. Bell, Jens N. Kaftan, Til Aach, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht and Alfred Böcking
High Dynamic Range Images As a Basis for Detection of Argyrophilic Nucleolar Organizer Regions Under Varying Stain Intensities
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2006


André A. Bell, Jens N. Kaftan, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht and Til Aach
An Evaluation Framework for the Accuracy of Camera Transfer Functions Estimated from Differently Exposed Images
In: 7th IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation. SSIAI 2006


Ropers, Sven-Olaf, Bell, Andrè A, Wärflinger, Thomas, Böcking, Alfred and Meyer-Ebrecht, Dietrich
Automatic Scene Comparison and Matching in Multimodal Cytopathological Microscopic Images
In: IEEE International Conferene on Image Processing. ICIP 2005


Sven-Olaf Ropers, Thomas Würflinger, André Alexander Bell, Alfred Böcking und Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht
Automatische mikroskopische Relokalisation von Zellkern-Ensembles mit Hilfe eines multimodalen Szenenvergleiches
In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005


Meyer-Ebrecht, Dietrich, Böcking, Alfred, Bell, Andre, Klein, Thorsten, Schneider, Timna, Stockhausen, Jens and Würflinger, Thomas
Multimodal Cell Analysis (MMCA): A new method for highly accurate and early non-invasive cancer diagnoses
In: Biomedical Engineering (BMT 2004)


Theses and Research Projects

  • Master’s Thesis by Urszula Dlubak: Evaluation of Nuclear Segmentation for HDR Microscopy on Morphologically Stained Cell Specimens in Early Cancer Diagnosis
  • Research Project by Claude Seiler: Noise Reduction in High Dynamic Range Images
  • Diploma Thesis by Stefan Bisplinghoff: Microscopy Imaging Techniques with Application-Oriented Adjustment to Resolution and Dynamic Range
  • Research Project by Eric Guiffo Kaigom: Novelty Detection with One Class SVM and Kernel PCA
  • Research Project by Rebecca Collong: Examination of Color Separability of Multiple Immunocytochemically Stained Cell Nuclei
  • Diploma Thesis by Gerlind Herberich: Image Analysis of Cytopathological Samples for Early Cancer Diagnosis: Segmentation and Detection of Silver-Stained Cell Nuclei
  • Diploma Thesis by Dirk Müller-Frank: Automatic Screening for Early Cancer Diagnosis through Image Analysis of Immunocytochemically Stained Cell Samples
  • Diploma Thesis by Jens Kaftan: Image Analysis for Early Cancer Diagnosis on Cytological Cell Samples through AgNOR Segmentation and Optimization of the Imaging Process
  • Research Project by Lars Höck: Python Wrapper for the Matrox Imaging Library
  • Research Project by Stefan Bisplinghoff: Chromatin Pattern-Based Classification of Analysis and Reference Cells for DNA Cytometry on Brush Smears of the Oral Mucosa
  • Diploma Thesis by Sven-Olaf Ropers: Automatic Microscopic Relocation of Cell Nucleus Ensembles Using a Multimodal Scene Comparison
  • Diploma Thesis by Georg Himmrich: Development of a Model for Measuring the DNA Content of Cell Nuclei Based on 3D Reconstruction of Microscopic Focus Series
  • Diploma Thesis by Tadeusz Brodziak: Digital Control of a Haptic Interaction Device
  • Research Project by Tadeusz Brodziak: Examination of Analog Control of a Haptic Interaction Device Using a PID Controller
  • Diploma Thesis by Vincent Auvray: Examination of Various Algorithms for Detecting Stained Cells Depending on Resolution

Teaching: Exercises, Practicals, Projects

  • Exercise in Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering for Mechanical Engineers
  • Exercise in Digital Image Processing I and II
    • OTF Measurement Methods
    • Multiscale Methods, Wavelets
  • Exercise in Digital Image Processing III, Computer Visualization
  • Practical in Digital Image Processing
    • 3D Reconstruction with Structured Light
    • 3D Representation of Layer Images
  • Project Object-Oriented Programming
    • Anaglyph Images
    • 3D Representation of Layer Images
    • Automaton Compiler
    • 3D Shadow Scanner
    • Morphological Image Processing
  • Methods of Software Development
    • Design Patterns
    • Template Meta Programming
    • Version Control with CVS, Subversion, or Darcs
    • Source Code Documentation with Doxygen
    • Project Management with Trac
    • Boost Library
    • GUI Development with the Qt Library
    • Python
  • Orientation Study
    • 3D Photography – Passport Photos with a Twist
    • Robo-Light – R2D2 and C3PO’s Little Friends

Research Interests

  • Segmentation (Mean Shift Segmentation, Model-Based Region Grouping, …)
  • Segmentation Evaluation
  • Multiscale Analysis, Wavelets
  • Deconvolution, 3D Deconvolution
  • Characterization of Imaging Systems (OTF Measurement, Radiometric Calibration, Camera Calibration, Nonlinear Camera Transfer Function)
  • High-Dynamic-Range Imaging

As well as the application of such techniques to early cancer diagnosis using microscopic images of cells. For example:

  • High-Dynamic-Range Microscopy (HDR Microscopy)
  • Segmentation of Silver-Stained Cell Nuclei
  • Detection of AgNORs in Silver-Stained Cell Nuclei
  • Quantification of Immunocytochemically Stained Cell Samples

André Bell

Research Scientist
Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision
RWTH Aachen
Sommerfeldstrasse 24
52074 Aachen
Raum: 24C-212
Tel: +49 (241) 80 – 27860
Fax: +49 (241) 80 – 22200
E-Mail:  lfb@lfb.rwth-aachen.de

Journal Publications


T.W. Remmerbach, D. Meyer-Ebrecht, T. Aach, T. Würflinger, A.A. Bell, T.E. Schneider, N. Nietzke, B. Frerich and A. Böcking
Towards a Multi Modal Cell Analysis of Brush Biopsies for Early Detection of Oral Cancer
In: Cancer Cytopathology 117 (3)


André A. Bell, Johannes Brauers, Jens N. Kaftan, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
High Dynamic Range Microscopy for Cytopathological Cancer Diagnosis
In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (Special Issue on: Digital Image Processing Techniques for Oncology) 3 (1)


A. Böcking, T. Aach, A. Bell, C. Henning, T. Klein, A. Metzger, N. Nitzke, Q. H. Nguyen, N. Pomjanski, A. Onofre, T. Remmerbach, T. Schneider, T. Würflinger and D. Meyer-Ebrecht
Multimodal Cell Analysis (MMCA) for Early Cancer Detection
In: Journal Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Timna E. Schneider, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Automated Detection of Immunocytochemical Marker Demonstrations for Cancer Screening
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Gerlind Herberich, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Nuclear Segmentation for Silver Stained Cytopathological Specimens
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Jens Kaftan, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Automated Detection of AgNORs by High Dynamic Range Microscopy
In: Cellular Oncology, ISCO Congress 30 (2)


André Bell, Thomas Würflinger, Sven-O. Ropers, Alfred Böcking, Til Aach and Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht
Towards Fully Automatic Acquisition of Multimodal Cytopathological Microscopy Images with Autofocus and Scene Matching
In: Methods of Information in Medicine 46 (3)


Til Aach, André Bell, Alfred Böcking, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Timna Schneider and Thomas Würflinger
Digitale Bildanalyse ermöglicht neue Methoden der Krebsdiagnostik
In: RWTH Themen (ISSN: 0179-079X) 2

Conference Publications


David Friedrich, Matthias Brozio, Andre Bell, Stefan Biesterfeld, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Nucleus fingerprinting for the unique identification of Feulgen-stained nuclei
In: SPIE Medical Imaging 2012: Computer-Aided Diagnosis


David Friedrich, Joschka zur Jacobsmühlen, Till Braunschweig, André Bell, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Ruth Knüchel-Clarke and Til Aach
Detection of immunocytological markers in photomicroscopic images
In: SPIE Medical Imaging 2012: Computer-Aided Diagnosis


David Friedrich, André Bell, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Till Braunschweig, Ruth Knüchel-Clarke and Til Aach
High Dynamic Range Microscopy for Color Selective Virtual De-Staining of Immunocytological Specimens
In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2011


André Bell, David Friedrich, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Till Braunschweig, Ruth Knüchel-Clarke and Til Aach
Fast Virtual Destaining of Immunocytological Specimens
In: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2011


Jens N. Kaftan, André A. Bell and Til Aach
Denoising the High Dynamic Range Imaging Process: A Comparative Study Using SNR and Detail Loss Criteria
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2010)


David Friedrich, Johannes Brauers, André Bell and Til Aach
Towards Fully Automated Precise Measurement of Camera Transfer Functions
In: Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) 2010


Jens N. Kaftan, André A. Bell, Claude Seiler and Til Aach
Wavelet Based Denoising by Correlation Analysis for High Dynamic Range Imaging
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2009)


Stefan Bisplinghoff and André A. Bell
A Calibrationless Deconvolution Approach to Reconstruct Defocused Microscopy Images
In: First IEEE Germany Student Conference 2009


T.W. Remmerbach, D. Meyer-Ebrecht, A.A. Bell, N. Nietzke, B. Frerich and A. Böcking
Towards a multi modal cell analysis of brush biopsies for detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma
In: Abstracts of the 9th Biennial Congress of the European Association of Oral Medicine


Jens N. Kaftan, André A. Bell and Til Aach
Mean Shift Segmentation - Evaluation of Optimization Techniques
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2008


Johannes Brauers, Nils Schulte, Andre Bell and Til Aach
Color Accuracy and Noise Analysis in Multispectral HDR Imaging
In: 14.\ Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung 2008


Johannes Brauers, Nils Schulte, André Alexander Bell, Til Aach
Multispectral High Dynamic Range Imaging
In: IS\&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging


André A. Bell, Claude Seiler, Jens N. Kaftan and Til Aach
Noise in High Dynamic Range Imaging
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2008)


André Bell, Gerlind Herberich, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Analysis of Silver Stained Cell Specimens: Nuclear Segmentation and Validation
In: Liege Image Days, International Conference on Medical Imaging


Timna Schneider, André Bell, Gerlind Herberich, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Chromatinmuster-basierte Zellklassifizierung für die DNS-Bildzytometrie an Mundschleimhaut-Abstrichen
In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2007


Timna Schneider, André Bell, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Computer Aided Cytological Cancer Diagnosis: Cell Type Classification as a Step Towards Fully Automatic Cancer Diagnosis on Cytopathological Specimens of Serous Effusions
In: Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-Aided Diagnosis


André A. Bell, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
HDR-Microscopy of Cell Specimens: Imaging and Image Analysis
In: 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers


André A. Bell, Gerlind Herberich, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Segmentation and Detection of Nuclei in Silver Stained Cell Specimens for Early Cancer Diagnosis
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2007


André Bell, Timna Schneider, Dirk Müller-Frank, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Fully Automatic Screening of Immunocytochemically Stained Cytopathological Specimens for Early Cancer Detection
In: Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-Aided Diagnosis


Jens N. Kaftan, Andrè A. Bell, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Segmentation of Nucleolar Organizer Regions by Means of High Dynamic Range Cell Imaging and Analysis
In: 11th Workshop Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2006


André A. Bell, Jens N. Kaftan, Timna E. Schneider, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Alfred Böcking and Til Aach
Imaging and Image Processing for Early Cancer Diagnosis on Cytopathological Microscopy Images: Towards Fully Automatic AgNOR Detection
In: 9th Korea-Germay Joint Workshop on Advanced Medical Image Processing


André A. Bell, Jens N. Kaftan, Til Aach, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht and Alfred Böcking
High Dynamic Range Images As a Basis for Detection of Argyrophilic Nucleolar Organizer Regions Under Varying Stain Intensities
In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2006


André A. Bell, Jens N. Kaftan, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht and Til Aach
An Evaluation Framework for the Accuracy of Camera Transfer Functions Estimated from Differently Exposed Images
In: 7th IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation. SSIAI 2006


Ropers, Sven-Olaf, Bell, Andrè A, Wärflinger, Thomas, Böcking, Alfred and Meyer-Ebrecht, Dietrich
Automatic Scene Comparison and Matching in Multimodal Cytopathological Microscopic Images
In: IEEE International Conferene on Image Processing. ICIP 2005


Sven-Olaf Ropers, Thomas Würflinger, André Alexander Bell, Alfred Böcking und Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht
Automatische mikroskopische Relokalisation von Zellkern-Ensembles mit Hilfe eines multimodalen Szenenvergleiches
In: Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005


Meyer-Ebrecht, Dietrich, Böcking, Alfred, Bell, Andre, Klein, Thorsten, Schneider, Timna, Stockhausen, Jens and Würflinger, Thomas
Multimodal Cell Analysis (MMCA): A new method for highly accurate and early non-invasive cancer diagnoses
In: Biomedical Engineering (BMT 2004)


Theses and Research Projects

  • Master’s Thesis by Urszula Dlubak: Evaluation of Nuclear Segmentation for HDR Microscopy on Morphologically Stained Cell Specimens in Early Cancer Diagnosis
  • Research Project by Claude Seiler: Noise Reduction in High Dynamic Range Images
  • Diploma Thesis by Stefan Bisplinghoff: Microscopy Imaging Techniques with Application-Oriented Adjustment to Resolution and Dynamic Range
  • Research Project by Eric Guiffo Kaigom: Novelty Detection with One Class SVM and Kernel PCA
  • Research Project by Rebecca Collong: Examination of Color Separability of Multiple Immunocytochemically Stained Cell Nuclei
  • Diploma Thesis by Gerlind Herberich: Image Analysis of Cytopathological Samples for Early Cancer Diagnosis: Segmentation and Detection of Silver-Stained Cell Nuclei
  • Diploma Thesis by Dirk Müller-Frank: Automatic Screening for Early Cancer Diagnosis through Image Analysis of Immunocytochemically Stained Cell Samples
  • Diploma Thesis by Jens Kaftan: Image Analysis for Early Cancer Diagnosis on Cytological Cell Samples through AgNOR Segmentation and Optimization of the Imaging Process
  • Research Project by Lars Höck: Python Wrapper for the Matrox Imaging Library
  • Research Project by Stefan Bisplinghoff: Chromatin Pattern-Based Classification of Analysis and Reference Cells for DNA Cytometry on Brush Smears of the Oral Mucosa
  • Diploma Thesis by Sven-Olaf Ropers: Automatic Microscopic Relocation of Cell Nucleus Ensembles Using a Multimodal Scene Comparison
  • Diploma Thesis by Georg Himmrich: Development of a Model for Measuring the DNA Content of Cell Nuclei Based on 3D Reconstruction of Microscopic Focus Series
  • Diploma Thesis by Tadeusz Brodziak: Digital Control of a Haptic Interaction Device
  • Research Project by Tadeusz Brodziak: Examination of Analog Control of a Haptic Interaction Device Using a PID Controller
  • Diploma Thesis by Vincent Auvray: Examination of Various Algorithms for Detecting Stained Cells Depending on Resolution

Teaching: Exercises, Practicals, Projects

  • Exercise in Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering for Mechanical Engineers
  • Exercise in Digital Image Processing I and II
    • OTF Measurement Methods
    • Multiscale Methods, Wavelets
  • Exercise in Digital Image Processing III, Computer Visualization
  • Practical in Digital Image Processing
    • 3D Reconstruction with Structured Light
    • 3D Representation of Layer Images
  • Project Object-Oriented Programming
    • Anaglyph Images
    • 3D Representation of Layer Images
    • Automaton Compiler
    • 3D Shadow Scanner
    • Morphological Image Processing
  • Methods of Software Development
    • Design Patterns
    • Template Meta Programming
    • Version Control with CVS, Subversion, or Darcs
    • Source Code Documentation with Doxygen
    • Project Management with Trac
    • Boost Library
    • GUI Development with the Qt Library
    • Python
  • Orientation Study
    • 3D Photography – Passport Photos with a Twist
    • Robo-Light – R2D2 and C3PO’s Little Friends

Research Interests

  • Segmentation (Mean Shift Segmentation, Model-Based Region Grouping, …)
  • Segmentation Evaluation
  • Multiscale Analysis, Wavelets
  • Deconvolution, 3D Deconvolution
  • Characterization of Imaging Systems (OTF Measurement, Radiometric Calibration, Camera Calibration, Nonlinear Camera Transfer Function)
  • High-Dynamic-Range Imaging

As well as the application of such techniques to early cancer diagnosis using microscopic images of cells. For example:

  • High-Dynamic-Range Microscopy (HDR Microscopy)
  • Segmentation of Silver-Stained Cell Nuclei
  • Detection of AgNORs in Silver-Stained Cell Nuclei
  • Quantification of Immunocytochemically Stained Cell Samples